We offer a variety of activities for you and your children to enjoy, such as age-based play groups, MOMS Night Out, guest speakers, potlucks, stroller walks and much more!
Child-Friendly Activities
MOMS ONLY Activities
MOMS Club® of Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley offers the possibility of a variety of activities for you to enjoy, occasionally without the kids.
Child-Friendly Activities
- Park Play - We schedule many park days where the kids can run, play, and enjoy snacks, giving Moms a chance to talk and enjoy some time outside.
- Playgroups - Special interest or age groups are formed as needed to support mothers and children that play together. These groups are ever-evolving as the club shows a need and enable moms to form bonds with other women whose children are of similar developmental stages.
- Parties - Themed parties are fun to plan and implement as the kids get to celebrate festive times of the year. Most of these parties are open to potential new members and are great ways to meet our club. Some of these parties include a Halloween Trick-or-treat, Christmas potluck & book exchange, and end-of-year /summer kickoff celebration.
- Field Trips - We enjoy monthly outings to local places for little to no cost to our families, where kids get to participate on many levels in the activities. Some places include pet stores, eateries, fire and police stations, and many more.
MOMS ONLY Activities
MOMS Club® of Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley offers the possibility of a variety of activities for you to enjoy, occasionally without the kids.
- MOMS Night Out - Moms just need to get out every once in a while and enjoy the friendships that we are creating. Join us for our monthly night outings where we get to hang out, relax and not have to chase after little ones.
- Book Club - MOMS are welcome to participate in our monthly book club meetings. Share your thoughts on the selected books. You don't have to read the book to join in the fun!